I was set for a great adventure from the start!
3 days after my arrival Pedro Leal and Joao Alvellos came to visit from London and stayed at Manuel Sena’s place, where I was too until I’d find my own place. I was endeed staying at his, and sleeping literally on the floor (he didn’t have a spare mattress and his couch was too short!!)…
Adding to that, my cousin Maria Cardim who had already lived in Madrid was in town for business and so we went out for dinner and she made sure she’d introduce me to a lot of people! So by the first weekend, which lasted until Wednesday (because Pedro was loving it, and with a broken foot, was off work for…weeks!! And so he extended his stay), I’d been to how don’t know how many restaurants, bars and clubs, and met loads of people!! It felt like I’d been in Madrid for ages!! What a great start!! And yes, I was hungover and sleepless on my first couple of days at work!...
Funny moment:
I honestly thought I would be comfortable with my Spanish. After 3 years studying it in Nottingham, I admit I didn’t practice it that much, but I still did occasionally and specially in the last month, since I had been working at a Hotel reception (Spanish Chain) and I was great at giving directions! Hehe…
And speaking to people in Madrid on the first weekend had been no problem whatsoever, but on my first day at work… I had a meeting with my supervisor, who is IMBIOSIS’ Director (or General Manager or CEO, as you wish), for about 3h and if I understood half of it I feel blessed!! The guy talked at 300km/h swallowing most words and using vocabulary I had never heard of and with swear words in between each sentence!
Still nowadays, when I go out for lunch with colleagues, I either keep quite and follow the conversation, or if I try to intervene, they’ve already changed subject twice!!
Nonetheless I am making an effort and my level is getting better… I hope at least! Joder!
Back to what I was saying…
So after a lot of fun, after starting to adapt to my work environment, I still didn’t have my own flat… How hard is it to find an apartment in Madrid??!! Was I asking for too much??
I wanted to live in my own flat, studio, or 1 bedroom. I have lived on my own since I was 18 and it doesn’t bother me. Furthermore, I knew a lot of people are coming to visit and my last wish is to go and live in a house and not get along with my flatmate(s). That’s exactly the sort of hassle I wanted to avoid being here for only 9 months!!!
But it seemed impossible, I went from 600 to 750eur for rent, any sort of apartment and anywhere in the centre, but no way josé!!
So after 3 weeks of constant house hunting and sleeping on my mate’s floor, I was desperate so I sent a general email to a yahoo group called ‘tugasmadrid’ asking if anyone knew of an available apartment or even a room!! Yes, I had changed my mind, I was willing to share a flat, it had come to the point where all I wanted was just my own bed!
And the day after I called a call from Tiago, a 35 year old guy who actually looks 27, from Porto, saying he was looking for someone for his spare room.
I arranged to go and see it and there I was at Calle General Pardiñas, 28 – 1 D the next day.
It was a proper job interview, maybe even harder than that. I arrive and I see his friend Carolina who I recognized from Lisbon (yeah Portugal is a very small village!), she went to the French Lycee too so the link was established, I was earning points.
We chatted for over an hour and, question after question, we all started getting along, laughing and loosening up (no, it’s not gonna end the way you’re thinking you pervs).
I left thinking I had made a good impression and foreseeing I could get along with this Tiago dude.
By the way, the apartment is 110 m2, 3 bedrooms (one for friends to crash), big living room, kitchen, 2 wc and a long corridor! In Goya, a nice residential area in the centre of Madrid. All the comfort, furnished and with internet and Canal +, I felt at home already!
The week after, I get a call and I was accepted!! I was in hysterics!! I had finally found a place and what a place!
So I packed my bags, said goodbye to Manuel with some nostalgia already, he had been such a good friend, got a taxi and installed myself! The real Madrid adventure was about to start.
For those who understand Portuguese, who can read the full on story (I know this one is long enough though!) at the following link: