29 April 2007

It's Sunday!

Today it's Sunday.

Normally in any other part in the World you'd be dreading this. Sundays are always those lazy days when you stay at home and feel like doing nothing. Or it's that day where you have to finish homework, or get organised and all the info needed for Monday at work. Or it's that day where you come back from a trip, generally a sad moment. I used to hate Sundays. Not anymore.

The Domingo en la Latina concept:

What do you do when you wake up from a huge hangover? You go out and have a beer, or two.
Every Sunday afternoon in this old part of Madrid you have hundreds and hundreds of people, mainly younger crowds, who gather together and drink, eat tapas and socialize until the night falls. It's like a routine! You meet up with friends there, with people you met during the weekend when you were out clubbing, etc. You hop from one bar to another and meet loads of people.

It just shows once again that this fun city never sleeps! Madrileños have non-stop energy!

A typical Sunday:

Get up at around 3pm with a massive headache. Make a couple of phone calls and decide to meet up at la latina, usually first with JC and Gonçalo. We go to Malandrín at around 4pm where you have great food, ambiance and excellent service. Then one friend arrives. Then another. And another. We meet people at the surrounding tables and they join us. There was just 3 of people. Now we're around 15 people! We leave at around 7pm and then walk around the area and go to another bar or two.
When you feel like of you've had one too many drinks, get self conscious that it's Sunday and you have to work the next day, you decide to go home, normally at about 10pm, and you hit the sack and sleep like a baby...


David TBM said...

Hey hey hey roomie, how is it going? You're having a blast from what i can see...YOU PARTY ANIMAL!! I must pay you a visit soon so that you can show me all this good stuff eheheh :) Cya Bro

Anonymous said...

Epa... nao me atrevo a escrever em ingles. Mas tenho muito a dizer a este post!!! No entanto depois de ser apelidade de Miss Perguntas Inocentes (desconheço total e totalmente a origem deste titulo) de 4!LOL... Só me atrevo a dizer que este quotidiano tem que mudar de vez em quando e começar por volta das 13h no Rastro! E depois trocar essa bar por uma bela espalnada a apanhar solinho como os outros milhoes de madrilenos ali estendidos nas praças! Ai sim! Bem... dito isto... Hasta pronto! En La Latina! (antes disso ainda deverias vir cá jantar... se nao me tivesses trocado por um jogo de futebol... e eu que tinha umas perguntinhas a fazer....)!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bela tarde, esta!! Mas como eu dizia, temos de ir para estes sitios "dentro" só mais ao fim do dia. Hay que tomarse el sol...
Bjsss. Sofia

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