25 April 2007

International Day

I have haven't really mentioned what I am doing here in Madrid. I guess it does matter so let's just get it over and done with!

I am working at Imbiosis, a biotech lab specialised in quantitative and qualitative gluten analyses in foods.

You have people who are intolerant to gluten, called coeliacs, who cannot eat gluten at all, due to this genetic disorder.

Laws require food producers to label their products adequately, and mention if, for instance, they contain gluten or not and the levels of presence. They are our clients, mainly.

Born in 2005, we have achieved market leadership in Spain in our domain.

We therefore aim at expanding to foreign, more mature markets, one of the company's main strategic goals for the next 2 years.

That's where I come in. I am responsable for our International Expansion, and I am loving it.

Market studies. In touch with different clients from all over the place. It's also enabled me to travel (my first ever business trip, to Avignon, France) and will continue to do so (Milan, Lisbon - food fairs in May, etc.).

Yesterday was the most international day by far: was on the phone with a French events organiser, with the FDA in the States, exchanged emails with an Italian association, looking for business oportunities in Portugal, had a meeting with a Brasilian woman about how to invest in her country and found out I was going to a food fair in Milan!

What a great experience!

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