22 April 2007

First Visit, on the First Weekend!

Now I was set.

I could focus at work since I had ‘a base’ (indispensable), and make the most out of this experience.

I could start hosting friends and people at my house.

And that’s exactly what just happened.

A few days after moving in, I was informed that 4 of my ‘brothers’, my childhood friends, were coming to visit. It was ‘Carnival’ in Portugal, and so they all had time off and decided to come and see the ‘Mohogné’!

So 4 parasites in my first weekend at residencia Pardiñas, what would Tiago say??? He was gonna kill me, or at least hate me, what a way to start a bond with your new housemate!

But it was all good, I had told them to bring a case of wine for him, and so they did and we all got along great. I even feel like they had come to christian and bring good karma to the apartment and my new journey, in Madrid.

The weekend started off really well, had been invited by the Ambassador’s daughter (Joana from the French Lycee)to a cocktail at the Portuguese embassy for the opening of the ARCO (Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid), with all the Portuguese artist that were exhibiting attending. Had fun, but too much of an artistic lobby and pseudo-intellectual attitude. Then went to meet up with André and a friend at Deja-te Besar, great funky bar. Ended up at Shabay where I had arranged to meet with JC, Marcelo and Sush, awesome night!

On Saturday, went for a run at the Retiro park to kill off the hangover. Ranger, Russini, Falardo and VD came on at night; after a long road trip and I made sure I’d take care of them nicely!

Took them straight to MOMA where we were very well waited on by charming Ana, then on to the disco part of that place, where the guys went crazy with the high ratio of good looking women. After a few drinks, heading to Pacha, guest list, then RnB room to unleash some moves! What a night! We even found puto Brandao and puto Dominguez who were in Madrid also!

Next day, the worst hangover ever, but still we managed to go to ARCO and we had such a laugh! Nice dinner at home afterwards, all sat around a table laughing and telling stories for hours and hours. Monday was workday, so they all went off to explore Madrid and at night, their last one, same again, friendly dinner, as funny as ever!

And that was it, they headed back to Portugal and what was left was a great set of brilliant and joyful memories, the sort only your best buddies give you.

Thanks for coming bros, you know you’re always welcome!



Anonymous said...

Ta um bocado desactualizado este post... só um bocado... só um niquito :P

Manolito said...

Tens q actualizar isto com mais regularidade!!!

meant to believe said...



calma! grita o russo, antecipando a risada geral."legítima defesa, legítima defesa!!!"

não serviu de muito, a acendalha já queimava e as chamas rompiam o ar com gragalhadas!



Anonymous said...

as olimpiadas da risota...sao provas que requerem muito esforço e dedicaçao...A medalha de ouro é tua David...a maior parte do tempo! ate ja!